If you are buying land from an individual or group please follow the following steps to avoid being conned
1 . Ask to see the title deed or Copy of the title deed.
- Then search the ministry of Land to confirm who the real owners are or if the title has any caveat or encumbrances on it.
- The search will cost you KES 520 or free depending on the county.
Search with local authorities to check for any unpaid land rates for the land you are buying in Kenya.
- If any, agree with the seller who will settle the land rates.
- Note that land can’t be transferred if they are unpaid land rates.

Go to the ministry of lands and buy 2 Maps,
- One showing the exact measurements of the piece of land that you are buying in Kenya called (mutation) and the other showing the neighboring lands, Each costs KES 350.
- You get the maps/mutation forms from the local Survey Office. For example, Nairobi- Survey of Kenya. In most cases the survey office is within the same location as the local lands ministry but not always.
With your 2 maps and a surveyor (you can do it yourself) visit the land you are buying in Kenya and verify the details on the MAP.
- Check out all the beacons.
Sit down with your seller and bargain the price.
- Write down an agreement. The agreement can be done in the presence of a lawyer.
- According to LSK if the value of the land is below 1 million you pay the lawyer KEs 3,000, if it’s above 1 million you pay the lawyer KES 8,000 for the agreement.
- Avoid being conned by malicious lawyers.
Pay some amount as per your agreement
- Don’t pay everything even though you have the full amount.
- They meet once every month. It will cost you KES 1,000.
- LCB will issue consent for the land to be sold.
Pay the remaining balance after getting consent from LCB.
- Go to the ministry of lands offices .
- Carry your KRA PIN, 2 passport photos, and a copy of the title deed to change ownership.
- It will cost you KES 5,000.
- You’ll need a copy of the original when taking it to the ministry of lands.
At this stage you don’t need the seller. Now go pay stamp duty, according to the value of the land.
- 4% of sales value in municipalities
- 2%of sales value in reserves.
Now the land belongs to you, but before celebrating go to the ministry of lands & search to confirm if they have updated their records and it reads you.